The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

That’s a Wrap!

We’ve come to the end of another year my friend. Chances are it was a year filled with highlights and lowlights. I’m sure you had good times and bad.

It’s not unusual to see people post, “Glad this year is over. Can’t wait for 2019.” That never really made sense to me. You can’t honestly believe that things will change as of midnight Monday, can you?

Was the year really that bad? I hope not. You may have had health issues or problems with a relationship but you survived! You’re probably a much stronger person because of it.

For me this year started with the death of my brother. Jeff passed away back in January. There was a memorial service for him in February and then a celebration of his life this summer. His death has brought me many hours of reflection and wonderment as I wonder what is next. Ive also been amazed as I look back on the family dynamic and how we all followed our own paths to end up in different places from where we started. It has also brought me closer to a cousin that I have reconnected with and provided a “wake up call” to some of us that you never know how much time you have left.

This was a year of more recovery for me. I started using a hashtag recently as a joke, #rehabforlife, but this really has become a never ending journey. I recently did some fill-in work at Easy 99.1 and I can say, for the first time, that I didn’t feel like I was struggling at all to talk clearly. It’s been almost three years but the public speaking seems to have come back.

Hopefully if you look back on your year you had some highlights to go along with your challenges. Just looking at sports we had the Patriots lose the Super Bowl but then the Red Sox won the World Series!

I hope you had a year of growth. You certainly must have had change happen over the year. It might have been change in your job, your school, a relationship, hopefully better health.

As you may know, I’m always on the lookout for motivational quotes. I read one this weekend that seems appropriate for the end of one year and the beginning of another:

“Don’t fear failure. Fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today.”

Happy New Year my friend! Let’s see what the next one brings.

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