The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Woof Wednesday – Oscar Tries to Understand Christmas

Hi guys! It’s me, Oscar, still on that stupid diet but I try to cheat when I can. The other night grandpa made french fries and he dropped a few when he was dishing them out. That was a little hot but yummy.

So I’m just trying to figure out this holiday stuff. Christmas is the next one right? Grammie decorated the house the other day. There’s all kinds of nice red and green stuff around. They have this 3 foot Santa that they put out. That thing is creepy. I gotta keep my eye on him.

We don’t have a tree yet, I think they’re going to get that this weekend. That’s usually when grampy hangs decorations on my collar and takes pictures. I just try to humor him. It happens every year when he says, “Let’s decorate the dog.” Yeah, so funny I forgot to laugh.

So there’s no kids at the door asking for candy on this one right? And there’s no countdown to midnight with the humans wearing silly hats?Got it.

Oh I remember! This is the holiday where grammie bakes ALLLLLL those great cookies and not a single one ends up in my mouth!

This is the holiday where they put all these boxes and bags in the corners. I don’t get it! One time Baxter and I got a hold of a few and tore the wrappers off. (It’s what we do.) The humans got so mad! Then, some special day when they were all home, THEY tore open the boxes and everyone was HAPPY! Uh, hello? I kept waiting for grampy to get in trouble but….nope! Maybe I’ll try that again. Maybe I didn’t tear into it enough.

I don’t know why but grammie put some more lights outside. It was really nice of her because now I can see what I’m sniffing at night.

I noticed the mailman comes a lot this time of year. There seems like a bunch of them in different uniforms. One guy has a big brown truck or I think he does. I’ve got that colorblind thing going so I’m really not sure what brown is.

This is also the time when they really confuse me after supper. After we all eat they sit down to watch shows on the picture box in the living room and I don’t get it. They watch these shows with Christmas stuff going on and they seem to know all the words! They say the lines so loud you can’t hear the guy on the box! If you know what they’re going to say why do you watch it?

I think I finally finished my list for Santa. What? Doesn’t everybody have a list? I asked for more Milk Bones, a dish that never gets empty and an end to this stupid diet.

Sound good?

I also hope Baxter gets a nice new comfy bed. He’s getting a little stiff as we get older. Maybe grampy will take me Christmas shopping. He can just drop me off….and give me his credit card.






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