The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

Listen To Your Body

Do you listen to your body?

For years I used to try and “power through” whatever it was trying to tell me. I would go to work sick or over tired because “I was important!” I have things to do, work that must be done. You know how they say “only essential personnel should report.” Well, I’m essential damn it!

In some ways I think my stroke was a way of saying, “Ok, you won’t slow down? We’ll make you slow down!”

Yes I try to listen to my body now.

Yesterday my wife and I had plans. We wanted to poke around in a couple of stores and maybe buy some new Christmas decorations and then go out to dinner. I woke up yesterday morning and my body was sending me a message.

I’ve mentioned before, but if you’re a new reader, (Hey! Welcome! Where have you been?) I have a degenerative joint disease and let’s just say it’s sometimes like arthritis on steroids. It’s in my neck, shoulders, back, arms, knees, well … everywhere. When there is a storm coming I truly can “feel it in my bones.”

I’ve actually discussed it with Dr. Joe Sobel at Accuweather and he said there has been research done. It’s not so much that pain forms with low pressure or high pressure systems it seems to bother more people (me included) WHEN the pressure is changing a lot. Example: this stormy weather.

I’ve learned to listen to my body. I didn’t go with my wife yesterday, she still went because I didn’t want to keep her away from fun, but we’ve come to expect these days. If I had gone I wouldn’t have enjoyed it. I just try to get comfortable and realize that it will pass. It always does.

I realize that we can’t always stay in bed if we feel bad, there are jobs and children and things that must be done. But I really hope you can try and find ways to take care of yourself.

I noticed the other morning that I was feeling really thirsty as I was having my coffee. Why am I drinking this liquid and feeling thirst? Because I needed water. I had just woken up from 8 hours of sleep after reading for an hour last night so my body hadn’t had any water in at least 9 hours!

I drank some water then my coffee and that felt much better.

It can be difficult now that the holidays are here but I’m sure your body even tells you you’re not eating right at times. We enjoy all these dishes that we never have any other time of the year and then whoa! “Try some vegetables there fella!” Full belly, bloated, need a nap, sound familiar?

I know it can be tempting to try it all! Eat everything, go everywhere, see everyone! Just try to listen to your body. It will tell you what you need. More rest, more water, more balanced food, some fresh air and quiet.

Everything in moderation.

And try not to be sad if you sit out an occasion or two. Move when you can and prioritize your visits. Do what’s most important to you and loved ones. Plan your events and schedule in some rest time. You may not be able to do it all but, with planning, you can do what’s most meaningful.


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