The Braley Blog

“Pete’s Daily Connection”

“Are You Too Busy?”

You hear it all the time: “I’m sorry but I’m just SO busy” and I get that because I’ve been busy too.

For those that don’t know much about my story, we had four children involved in all the things four children like to do, though the girls didn’t take dance class. I escaped attending all those recitals and I’ll admit it, I’m not disappointed at all.

We were busy. I’ve mentioned before how I used to have the fast food menus memorized and the pizza place on speed dial.

Our busiest year had 4 children on 7 teams. (Rec league, All Stars, tournament teams or school.) I kept all the hats in the car so I could always find the right one. In addition we had youth groups and scouts so I understand busy.

However, I also know that some things take priority and I’ve also noticed that if it’s important to you, you will make time.

There’s an expression that goes something like: “If you want the job to get done, give it to a busy person.” It’s true. When we’re busy we learn to prioritize. We know that time is precious so we get the job done instead of spending our time thinking about it or telling our friends, “I don’t know how I’ll get it all done.”

If you ask me, (and I realize you didn’t but I’m going to write it anyway,) the best way to get it all done is to organize. I don’t think there’s any one way just find what works for you.

At my house my wife and I are list makers. We write down everything we have to do and check it off as it’s accomplished. It’s important to check it off because it gives me a little psychological victory to look back at my accomplishments.

Write it all down so you don’t forget even the simplest thing like sending a text or buying a card. If you don’t get to it, put it first on your list tomorrow.

Most importantly, get going! It’s so easy to procrastinate. “One more cup of coffee,” or “I’ll just check Facebook first,” or, one of the worst: “I’ll just binge watch a few episodes of ‘Friends’.” Netflix was pretty smart with that “next episode starts in 9 seconds.” Not much time for you to debate it before another 30-minute show starts and before you know it, there goes the afternoon.

I have found that once I get started I can actually get a lot done in a relatively short amount of time. You just have to start.

I’ve found that writing it down helps me to organize the day as well. You may have ten things to do but four or five might be together or close by. I’ve actually finished my list by early afternoon. I joke with my wife by sending a text, “Finished everything on my list. Going to bed!”

My momma used to say (Sounds like a line from a country song,) momma used to say, “God never gives us more than we can handle.” Yes, at times I’ve said, “God you believe in me more than I do.” But it’s true.

Yes you are busy. Just get going. And make time for what’s important to you. And if you have to, schedule some time for yourself. Put it in your calendar. Set a timer on your phone. When the alarm goes off, make it a point to say, “Time for my next appointment: ME!”


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